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Spirit Fire Radio: Being Vincent Van Gogh

Spirit Fire Radio: Being Vincent Van Gogh

  08/17/2016  09:00 am PST

Spirit Fire Radio: Being Vincent Van GoghMeditation step #11 of The Practice of Living Awarenss is called Ground Of Being. Within this step we explore the ground on which our being sits. This includes the various bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) in which our consciousness expresses. We have an energetic root system which allows for us to move about the world in a physical body while being an expression of an ever-expanding consciousness. As we reinforce our ground of being, we offer the stability necessary for that expression to constantly grow, engage, and evolve.


To stand in front of a Van Gogh painting is to discover the energetic essence of the subject of that painting - be it a sunflower, a cypress tree, a potato eater, or a portrait of the artist himself. Vincent Van Gogh's deep connection to his surroundings offers us insight into the formation of reverence and compassion for all that is before us. He simply IS the ground of being. Vincent's  deep convictions to creative expression and his unique penchant for contemplation and the written word show a spiritual side of the artist that can sometimes goes unnoticed in the vicinity of his dramatic and dynamic works of art. 


In this episode of Spirit Fire Radio, we look into Vincent Van Gogh's early life and the factors that contributed to his spiritual vision and grounded his heartfelt artistic endeavors. 


Steve Kramer

Steve Kramer

Tune in with Spirit Fire Radio. Listen live every Wednesday @ 9am pacific / 12pm eastern.   Purposeful living, practical spirituality... they sound like concepts...

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 Carol Berry

Carol Berry

Carol Berry is the author of Vincent Van Gogh: His Spiritual Vision in Life and Art. She has degrees in art and psychology and art education. For many years she has lectured...

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