health and wellness radio
The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: 2022- Fresh Starts & Moving Forward For Life: You have the choice to leave behind what's holding you back

The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: 2022- Fresh Starts & Moving Forward For Life: You have the choice to leave behind what's holding you back

  01/14/2022  01:30 pm PDT

The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: 2022- Fresh Starts & Moving Forward For Life: You have the choice to leave behind what's holding you backFresh Starts and Moving Forward.   Many of us make that annual commitment to improve some aspect of our lives at the stroke of midnight on New Year's day. 


We're two weeks into 2022   Did you make any resolutions?  In what ways are you wanting to move forward?  What are do you resolve to leave behind in 2021.


Six months after making a resolution, 46% of resolution makers feel like they are successful in achieving their goal.  That number drops from 75% after the first week (citation:


What can you do to ensure you succeed in your goals, your vision, and your life?  


In this episdoe Discover new ways of being, thinking and living.  Connect to the power of Choice and and the Power of YOU.   Transform your the static energy that's holding you back to dynamic, meaningful, and passion oriented action.


Big life changes happen whether we plan for it or not.  But we can navigate and manage those big changes by generating awareness, creating options and engaging choice.


Join us for a vibrant and energized conversation about finding your way home to passion, purpose, authenticity.

Whether it's big life changes, or small incremental resolutions,  today's show features confident way-finding women who embrace exploration, and moving forward for life!


Grab your backpack of beliefs and your walking sticks.  We're going on a journey you don't want to miss!



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Diane McClay

The Diane McClay Show - Empowering Life Through Choice As women, we juggle many demands from our work environments, personal lives, and communities. The feelings of being un...

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