health and wellness radio
The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: Hone  Your Happiness- from the Inside Out

The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: Hone Your Happiness- from the Inside Out

  03/26/2021  01:30 pm PDT

The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: Hone  Your Happiness- from the Inside OutFrom birth, happiness is the natural state humans are designed to be in.  Unless their basic needs aren't being met (e.g. sleep, food, being nutured) babies and children are almost always full of joy, happiness, and curiosity.  Think about:  they giggle; they smile and move freely; they find simple things to entertain themselves without a second thought. 

So why does it seem like we lose that sense of happiness as an adult?   Is the energy of the negative news that drains us?  Is it the sense of responsibility and obligation to work, family, friends, and community?  

What if I told you that you have the power to design a happier life?

Would you believe me if I said you can navigate negative emotions in 90 seconds or less?

Mindset is about being deliberate with your intentions, feelings and thoughts.

Instead of escaping the things that drag you down or make you unhappy,  tune in to learn how to WAKE UP and SHAKE UP your happiness from the inside out.   


Segment 1 Title:     Naturally Happy (producer note: run nature photos)

Suggested questions and talking points:

  1. How does nature play into or with happiness?
  2. What can we learn from nature, and how do we apply that to our lives?
  3. What happens to the brain in nature?

Segment 2 Title:  Don’t escape the emotions, feel them- then hone them from the inside out
Suggested questions and talking points:


  1. CHOOSING what you get influenced by.
  2. “Emotion is just energy” (Dr. Jill Bating Taylor) / >than 90 seconds = in a story
  3. How to deal with wave of negative emotionsIntroduce “My Gracie” Book
  4. What to do to replace escape /numbing techniques or habits

In a world, that is already overwhelmed with information, what 3 problems will this podcast resolve for our listeners?


  • Learn to identify why and how negative habits impact your happiness potential.
  • Understand why it is important to sit with negative emotions, THEN release them
  • Increase your power, control, and influence to live a more naturally joyous life.




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Diane McClay

The Diane McClay Show - Empowering Life Through Choice As women, we juggle many demands from our work environments, personal lives, and communities. The feelings of being un...

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